Timeline of DNA
Contributers to Discovery

Components of DNA
Patterns of Base Pairing
DNA in Chromosomes
RNA Molecule
Protein Molecule



Contributors that Led to Discovery of DNA >>

Gregor Mendel (1823 - 1884) -
  • Conducted the pea plant experiment
  • Discovered heredity traits in his gardening experiments
  • Discovered dominant and recessive genes, hybrid and pure bred using cross breeding techniques.
  • Published his ideas, called “Experiments of Plant Hybridization”
Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) -
  • Conducted famous experiments on Galapagos Islands
  • Proposed ideas for Natural Selection and Evolution
  • Published two of his ideas: On The Origin of Life By Means Of Natural Selection, and Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life
Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866 - 1945) -
  • Expanded on Mendelian Heredity
  • Experiments with fruit flies, finding mutations from their genes
  • Discovered sex-linked chromosomes, sex-linked traits, and X and Y chromosomes
  • Constructed human chromosome map
Francis Crick (1916 - ????) / James Watson (1928 - ????) -
  • Used X-Ray crystallography to observe DNA
  • Discovered structure of DNA
  • Published scientific paper in British science journal called Nature, in 1953
  • Crick proposes possibility of base sequence giving instructions to make proteins
  • Watson is appointed head of the Human Genome Project

DNA's Uses
Paternity Testing
Gene Therapy

Further Materials
Recommended Books
Related Websites
DNA Modules/Experiments
Site Glossary

This is website is mostly focused on the topic of DNA, the Human Code. Learning about the human code, and how people may inherit different characterisitcs genetically is interesting to investigate. The diverse sections; DNA History, DNA Structure, DNA Functions, and DNA' Uses; provide a broad overview of each category, and also include a vast majority of short, in-depth inserts to portray a better understanding and comprehension of this complex subject, DNA, and to answer questions that would puzzle you about DNA.

As a bonus, this site includes a glossary. The glossary contains all words that were printed in bold that would seem hard to understand or not in an average person's vocabulary in the various sections within this site, so that you never become lost or puzzled while observing the information given on this site.

If you would like to download an easy-to-read report of DNA, that is pretty much similar to the information given on this website, click the link on the bottom of the main page to download.

Best viewed in a maximized window and with a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768. All written materials and information
were fully composed, as well as altered images and diagrams, by Josh Eisma (2002), unless otherwise specified.